One of the most common questions people ask about divorce is, “What does divorce cost?” In fact, you may have come to this page for just that reason. Well, the answer is this: The vast majority of the “cost” of a divorce is not paid to the attorney. Consider the following examples.
Which costs you more:
Fighting a bad parenting plan for a dozen years or paying an attorney? What would you be willing to invest to have an excellent parenting plan?
- Bring burdened with the obligation to pay alimony or paying an attorney? What would you invest to lower your alimony obligation by even a few hundred dollars a month for YEARS or DECADES?
- Not obtaining alimony or paying an attorney? What would you invest to increase your alimony entitlement by even a few hundred dollars a month for YEARS or DECADES?
- Missing out on your children growing up or paying an attorney? Can you even put a price on that?
- Continuing to be linked to, and having to fight with, an ex-spouse or paying an attorney? What would it be worth for you to get a settlement agreement that resolved your disputes so that you wouldn’t have to keep fighting?
- Having your divorce drag on for 3 years or paying an attorney? How much more could you do or make if you got your divorce over with quickly?
- Not getting what you needed to move on with your life or paying an attorney? How much would it be worth to not get stuck in life?
- Failing to accomplish your most important goals or paying an attorney? What would you wish you had spent if you ended up not getting that one important thing in your divorce?
- Losing your house to your ex-spouse or paying an attorney? What is it worth to you to keep your house?
- Losing your retirement to your ex-spouse or paying an attorney? What will it mean for you if you can’t retire as you planned?
- Being business partners with your ex-spouse (after divorce) or paying an attorney? What would you give to prevent your ex-spouse from interfering in your business?
Maybe you can sense where I am going with this. Sure, the cost of attorney’s fees is an important consideration for lady bird deed michigan. But, in comparison to the risks and opportunities you face in your divorce, the price of an attorney is LOW. For every risk of something going wrong, there is a corresponding opportunity for that thing to work out.
Estimating your legal fees in your Florida Divorce.
With all of that said, let me try to put attorney’s fees in perspective and help you estimate what you should consider investing in an attorney. Consider a real estate agent. They charge about six percent of the sales price of a home. Around here, it isn’t uncommon for homes to sell at the $400,000 mark or substantially more. The commission on selling that $400,000 home is about $24,000. You would never even consider selling your home without an agent, and when you do, you will be happy to pay the commission.
Now consider that your attorney is going to divide your house, and then divide your paycheck, your bank accounts, your debts, your cars, your personal property, and even your children and pets. So, just ask yourself, is that work worth more or less than six percent of the value of your home. Six percent of the value of your home is a good rule of thumb when estimating what you should be investing in your attorney.
Calculating the actual fee you will pay is more complicated, but I want to try to put you in the ballpark of what the fee may be or should be. Ultimately, you decide what you want to pay based on how much an attorney’s help is worth to you.
You can get divorced for $1,200 through one of those online divorce mills in South Florida. Just google “uncontested divorce” and you will find them. You can also find attorneys that won’t take clients for less than six figures. We are somewhere in the middle. But there is an attorney for every price level. You have to figure out what your divorce is worth to you and price your attorney accordingly.
The nice thing about us is that if you do schedule a consultation with us, we quote you a fixed price right in the consultation. So, you will know exactly what your cost will be. If you want to know exactly what your cost will be, give us a call or complete the form below, and we will help you right away.
If you have any questions or thoughts about this article, please let us know. We would love to know how we can better educate people who have questions about their Divorce.